David arrives in Taipei

We are guests at a luxurious B and B called the VVG B+B (Very Very Good B and B) in the heart of Taipei's most elegant shopping district, enjoying the gracious hospitality of Grace Wang.Grace is an exceptionally talented entrepreneur who owns many very successful businesses here in Taipei: several bookstore/cafes, bakeries, the B and B and the elegant restaurant where photographer Syko Song and I had just co-taught an all-day class on food and photography. (See the next post for more about the class.) It's a rainy day here, so after enjoying a sumptuous breakfast in our lovely room, we are relaxing and catching up on email and the blog.This is David's 2nd day of retirement and he certainly looks like he's in the groove. It doesn't hurt that the stock market is up up up.




Learning from the master of alternative processing


Donuts in the Taipei Subway