Ben gets scalped

Our grandson Ben is a freshman in high school here in Taipei. His school is very serious about the acceptable hair length for boys. If the teacher puts his hand on a student's head and can see hair above his fingers, then it's time for a hair cut. This means once a month for Ben who is very careful with money. Thus he goes to the fast and cheap Japanese barbers where you start by putting the equivalent of US $7 into a machine on the street in front of the shop:20130108-121127.jpgAnd then when your number is called you enter the tiniest of rooms and go up a narrow staircase. The barber whips out a cape and turns on his clipper:20130108-121421.jpgIn no time at all, most all of Ben's beautiful hair is on the floor.20130108-121601.jpgAnd he's ready for the Marines, I mean school.20130108-121811.jpgI forgot to mention that the clean up, done in seconds with a brush attachment of a vacuum cleaner was as efficient as the haircut.


Leaving Taipei and the outreach of American culture, and hoping the Myanmar mosquitos will buzz off


Another terrific meal